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Showing posts from October, 2011

Sub Net Mask Address

As I mention in earlier article network address will give when we make all host side bits zero. The main difference between class full and class less IP addressing is there is no standard bit position to divide network and host side in class less IP. But we had to tell what is the point that network and host side divide in this case. That is why sub net mask address comes to seen. Subnet mask address is also 32 bit binary number. The sub net mask address will give when all network side bits makes 1(one ‘s) and all host side bits makes 0(zero). I think you can take better idea by looking  following e.g. e.g. 1 IP Addr:                                        11000000.10101000.00000001 .00000001 Sub net mask:                 ...

IP Addressing

I try to discuss in brief some key terms in IP Addressing in networking. 1.        Class full IP Addressing 2.        Class less IP addressing In network computer needs to identify their destination and host computer  among others, to communicate each other. So it used 32 bit binary number for that, and split it into equal 4 parts and convert it to decimal for easy use. E.g   11000000.10100000.00000001.00000001  To identify one computer from large network is not easy by concerning one by one digit. So that there are two things within on IP. Network address and Host(computer or any device) address. This process like this, when we post a letter it address look like this,(No 35,Reid Avenue,Colombo 07).If we post that letter from galle the post office(galle) just looks the colombo and sends it to the colombo.Rest of the parts of address (road and nu...